Moot courts

Selection for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is moving towards the selection of students to represent the university for the 32nd edition (2024/2025 year) of the  Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

The team will be led by Dr. Andrea Melchionda and Dr. Gregorio Scrima as senior coaches, with the support of Avv. Ruggero Magagna and Dr. Caterina Benini, all under the supervision of Prof. Pietro Franzina, who will act as professor in charge.

Vis Moot is a prestigious international competition with more than 300 universities from all over the world taking part every year. Students challenge each other in a simulation of international arbitration based on an example of a complex real case requiring a solution to issues of arbitration law and international trade. Over the six-month period of the competition, the team will be asked to draft two written memoranda and then discuss the case orally in Vienna before arbitration panels made up of renowned academics and professionals. The working language is English.

Vis Moot is a unique opportunity for university students in Italy. It allows for the discussion of an example of a real case and for students to improve their skills in legal analysis and teamwork. It also provides an excellent opportunity for students to improve their command of English, both written and oral.

Students participating in Vis Moot are awarded 5 credit points.

Vis Moot begins with the publication of a case in October, and is then divided into two phases, one written and one oral. The first phase involves the study of the case and the legal research leading up to writing the memoranda. The team will draw up memoranda for both parties in the case, one for the claimant (the plaintiff), to be submitted by early December, and one for the Respondent (the defendant) to be submitted by the end of January.

The written phase is followed by the oral phase, during which the team will take part in various simulations in Italy and abroad (known as Pre-Moot events) and culminates in an oral discussion in Vienna, which will take place in April 2025, during the week before Easter.

The official Vis Moot website publishes a wealth of information about the competition, including, among other things, a short presentation of the project and a FAQ page.

For any further information about the competition, contact Prof. Pietro Franzina (

6 students enrolled on the Master’s Degree programme in Law will be selected.

Selection will be based on the applicants’ English level (students are recommended to have a minimum level of B2), academic merit and an aptitude interview conducted for the most part in English. Preference will be given to applicants who have taken exams for the following courses: Domestic and International Arbitration Law, International Trade Law and Private International Law (Diritto dell’arbitrato interno ed internazionale, Diritto del commercio internazionale and Diritto internazionale private).

To be considered for selection you must:

  • apply for the programme by 24 June 2024 and pay the application fee of €35 (a CV plus a motivational letter, preferably in English, must be submitted with your application);
  • attend an aptitude interview, which will be held in person on 27 June 2024 at 11 am: applicants will be provided with details of where the interviews will be held in the days leading up to the interview. 

Taking part in Moot will entail the following costs:

  • €700 Vis Moot team registration fee, to be divided by the number of participants;
  • travel expenses, accommodation and meals for Pre-Moot events abroad and for the final in Vienna.

Members of the team will have to settle the above costs themselves, although they will be partially reimbursed as follows.

Università Cattolica will reimburse the Vis Moot registration fee in full. There will also be additional financial support from Università Cattolica for each member of the team and support from any sponsors of the competition.  

More detailed information regarding the amount of financial support available for the 32nd edition and how to apply for it will be provided to the selected students in the autumn. 

Relevant receipts for expenses must be submitted before reimbursement will be paid. Expenses incurred for travel in Italy will not be reimbursed by Università Cattolica.

An info session was held on May 8, 2024, at 5:30 PM. If you didn't have the chance to participate and have any questions for Mooties from the past edition, you can contact them through the official Instagram page of the Unicatt Vis Moot Team.

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