Exchange (Erasmus+ & Overseas)


When registering, you can list up to 10 destinations from the destinations available for your faculty, in order of preference, which may be Erasmus+ EU destinations or Overseas non-EU destinations

For interfaculty courses, if not specified below, please refer to the destinations available to the main Faculty of your programme.

Special attention should be paid to:

  • the disciplinary area indicated for each destination, which may not correspond exactly to your course of study and which defines the scope of the exchange agreement signed by the two universities 
  • the notes for each destination
  • previous exams approvals
  • destination university websites where you can investigate the course offer.

Minimum Average for Non-EU Destinations: For non-European destinations, a minimum average of 24/30 is required (average calculated as of the closing date of the announcement); in the absence of a weighted average, a high school graduation score of no less than 80/100 (for first-year undergraduate students) or an undergraduate degree score of no less than 90/110 (for first-year master's students) is eligible.

Dual-anguage Destinations: Dual language destinations are highly recommended for students who have knowledge of both required languages: these destinations are characterized by notes that specify a valid linguistic value for two languages, for example, "French B1 required (or English B1 for access to courses in English)". The primary language is the one in which the academic offerings are generally more extensive, whereas the secondary language provides an additional opportunity to access foreign academic offerings. However, it is crucial that each candidate carefully checks which and how many courses are available in that language. A candidate who knows only the secondary language may still apply for the destination and be selected even in the absence of linguistic competence in language 1, which, if present, is given priority in the ranking.

Portuguese Language 1 Destinations: In the absence of knowledge of Portuguese, for destinations in Portugal and Brazil that are not exclusively English-speaking, an English language level is necessary for ranking purposes. However, be aware that the academic offerings might still be entirely or predominantly in Portuguese. Language reinforcement courses will be offered before the semester.


The follwing lists of destinations are in Italian, if you need assistance, please contact our office


Attention: Information on available destinations may change even after the announcement has been opened. Cattolica International reserves the right to make changes and to update the information provided below promptly.

Information for Australian Destinations:
The Australian Department of Home Affairs has initiated a review of the English language requirements for obtaining a student visa. The TOEFL ibt certification may no longer be accepted.

Agricultural and Food Economics

Economia - Sedi di Milano e Roma

Economia e Giurisprudenza - Sede di PC CdL Economici / Interfac Food Marketing / Doppia Laurea Diritto e Economia 5+1

Giurisprudenza - sede di Milano ed Economia e Giurisprudenza - Giurisprudenza - sede di Piacenza

Interfacoltà Economia / Lettere (Beni culturali)

Lettere e filosofia / LIMED / CIMO


Scienze agrarie, alimentari e ambientali


Scienze della formazione

Scienze linguistiche e Letterature straniere

Scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali

Scienze motorie  

Scienze politiche e sociali 

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