Stage e lavoro | 05 maggio 2022

Personal Branding LVMH


Personal Branding LVMH

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How to enhance your CV and catch recruiters’ attention on LinkedIn

In a phygital world, it is important to give consistency to how you present yourself on the job market, both through classic tools such as the curriculum, and by taking care of your digital image. SEPHORA HR will tell you how to structure a resume that captures attention, how to attend a first digital interview and how to use LinkedIn as a tool to enhance your profile

Francesca Seri HR Business Partner Intern SEPHORA ITALIA - LVMH
Elisa Albertini Employee Experience Specialist SEPHORA ITALIA - LVMH

The webinar is open to students enrolled in the Faculty of Economics and, in particular, in Master of Science in Management – English programme. Online registration is required, press here.

Per informazioni

Stage & Placement


Recapito telefonico: 02.72348500

Organizzato da: Comitato Università Mondo del Lavoro


05 maggio 2022


4.30 p.m.


Piattaforma Microsoft Teams

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