Laurea Magistrale in Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition

University of ISARA Lyon

University of ISARA Lyon

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Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore's Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences gives participants of the Master of Science in Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition the opportunity to undertake the second year of their course at the University of ISARA Lyon, France, and receive both degrees:

The mobility will take place throughout the second year of the Laurea Magistrale.

Departures are scheduled in September 2024 for the academic year 2024/2025.
There are 5 places for the academic year 2024/2025.

Students enrolled in the first year of Laurea Magistrale at the Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences- Laurea Magistrale in Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition can apply for the program. Applications must be submitted via the appropriate call for competition by March 11, 2024 - with payment of the relative application fee of 35 euros (non-refundable). Please note that students must submit the Study Plan of the first year as indicated in the Faculty Guide (page 97).


Applications will be assessed, and a ranking will be compiled, based on the following:

  • The average mark (weight 50%) – students are required to have a weighted average mark of at least 24/30
  • CFU reached (weight 50%) - The deadline for passing exams to be used in the assessment for admission to the program and for the resulting ranking of accepted students is March 11, 2024.

Students have to pass all the exams of the first year of Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition by the end of July 2024.

To be selected in the programme, by March 11, 2024, students should have a minimum level of English language (understanding, writing and speaking at B2 level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages) to be tested by handing in an international language certificate (TOEFL internet-based 80, TOEFL paper-based 550, IELTS 6.5, or a Cambridge certificate of B2), obtained not before May 2022 and with results obtained by March 11, 2024.

Please check the language requirements online.

To obtain a Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems at ISARA Lyon, students must complete the programme of exams set out in the agreement. See the study plan below. 

Please note that all students taking part in the Degree programme are required, in accordance with Cattolica regulations, to take the Theology exams present in their course plan.

Tuition fee: 5,000 euros (the cost may be subject to change as it is updated to the current academic year). 

Three scholarships of 1,500 euros will be assigned to the first three students in the final ranking.

Students involved in the programme will benefit from the standard Erasmus Exchange scholarships for the period they spend abroad. Scholarships will be confirmed during the month of July 2024. Students will get information about the procedure to follow in order to apply for the Erasmus+ scholarship. 

The following documents could be requested: 

  • ISEE Universitario 
  • Receipts of payment (e.g. accommodation, transports, flights, ecc.) 
  • Online Learning Agreement, duly filled in with courses attended 
  • Statement Period of Study, duly filled in (instructions will be provided) Students selected for the programme will be responsible for the costs of their stay abroad (travel, accommodation, food and costs of material). Students selected for the programme must also be officially enrolled at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore while they are abroad (keeping to deadlines for university fees, study plans, request for graduation etc.).

Students participating in the programme write their Final Thesis with an ISARA supervisor. However, they will have to follow the Cattolica procedure to register for a Cattolica official Graduation day for the official proclamation (i.e. in terms of steps, deadlines and fees). More detailed information about the procedure is available online.

Selected students will benefit from the health insurance provided by AXA in collaboration with Cattolica. In addition, the “Student Safety Package” will be activated, and the students will be able to download the Safety Check Students app for the geolocation and instant communications in case of emergency. More information about the activation procedure will be provided to the selected students.

Second year 2024/2025

Master of Science in Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition

Innovation in Food Packaging (8 ECTS)

Process control and digitalization in food industry (6 ECTS)

Physical chemistry of food (8 ECTS)

Economic impact of agricultural and food regulation (5 ECTS)

Soft skill (1 ECTS)

Free choice courses (12 ECTS) - suggested course: Raw Materials

Graduation Thesis (20 ECTS)

Equivalent courses in the Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems (ISARA Lyon)

Second year 2024/2025

Intrepreneurship and sustainable development in food industries (12 ECTS)

Food processing and managerial innovation (12 ECTS)

Literature review  (6 ECTS)

Graduation Thesis (30 ECTS)



For information about the academic content of the programme, please refer to:
Prof. Lorenzo Morelli - @: 
Prof. Luigi Lucini - @:

For information about the application procedures, please refer to:
Cattolica International
Tel. 0523 599 436
Tel. 0372 499 162

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