Procedures and final examination

Economics and Law

Integrated Degree Programmes

Student intending to graduate must:

  1. choose a topic, checking curricular/time requirements
  2. submit the application for admission to the final examination, verifying the curricular/temporal requirements
  3. deliver the final paper and microfiches in the prescribed mannera

The subject of the final examination must be related to a course included in the degree curriculum and the title must be agreed upon with the reference professor.

To obtain approval of the topic, students must:

Please refer to the Faculty Guide  for further details on the final examination.

In order to submit the thesis topic approval form, you must comply with:

  • submission deadline: at least 6 months before the session. Details in the calendar
  • curricular requirements: as of the July 2022 graduations, it will be possible to submit the thesis topic approval form provided that the student has obtained at least 230 ECTS credits.

L’argomento della prova finale deve essere relativo ad un insegnamento inserito nel Piano studi e il titolo deve essere concordato con il docente di riferimento.

Per ottenere l’approvazione dell’argomento è necessario contattare il Docente. 

L’argomento, poi, deve essere inserito nella pagina personale iCatt (Segreteria online – Prova finale) entro il termine indicato nella sezione "Appelli lauree quadriennali e magistrali" di questa pagina.

Per poter presentare il modulo di approvazione dell’argomento della tesi di laurea occorre rispettare:

  • termini di presentazione:
    • lauree magistrali/specialistiche: almeno 5 mesi prima della sessione
    • lauree quadriennali: almeno 6 mesi prima della sessione
  • requisiti curriculari:
    • lauree magistrali/specialistiche: almeno 56 CFU acquisiti e colmati i debiti formativi
    • lauree quadriennali: almeno 17 esami acquisiti, di cui obbligatoriamente quelli del primo anno

Si rimanda alla Guida di Facoltà dei campus di Milano e Roma per ulteriori approfondimenti sulla prova finale.

In order to apply for admission to the final examination, you must comply with:

  • submission deadline: at least 45 days before the session. Details in the calendar
  • curricular requirements for the summer session:
    • have no more than 35 ECTS in debt (foreign language courses and the final examination are not included in the count)
    • enrolled in 2013/2014 in years subsequent to the first year: not more than 32 CFUs in debt (foreign language courses and the final examination are not included in the count)
  • curricular requirements for all other sessions:
    • have no more than 20 ECTS in debt (foreign language courses and the final examination are not included in the count) 

Students must agree with the supervisor on the definitive title in order to proceed with the application for admission to the final examination.

Proceed with the submission of the Application by following the steps:

  1. Fill in the graduation application form on your iCatt personal page (Online Secretariat - Final Examination section);
  2. Print the graduation application form, sign it and apply the €16 revenue stamp
  3. Ask your professor for permission by e-mail
  4. Print and pay the undergraduate contribution slip
  5. Upload the following documents respecting the format indicated:
    • Copy of signed and stamped graduation application form (format .pdf, max 2MB)
    • Copy of the bulletin payment receipt (format .pdf, max 2MB)
    • Copy of the authorisation email sent by the professor or copy of the application if signed by the professor (format .jpg, max 2MB)
  6. Wait for notification

Any changes to the title of the final paper, approved by the professor, must be made at the time the application is completed and printed. The title contained must therefore be definitive, as no further changes can be accepted.

The .pdf file of the paper must be sent to the professor via the iCatt personal page (Online secretariat - Final paper - Submit final paper). The professor may request a hard copy if necessary.

Instructions for uploading the paper: Loading of the Paper

The paper must be uploaded to the iCatt personal page no later than 10 days before the start date of the proclamation sessions (see calendar). The deadline for uploading the paper is not to be missed.

Undergraduate students who fail to graduate in the call for which they have applied for admission to the final examination must notify both the professor/supervisor and the Student Services Centre of the relevant seat.
Notification to the Student Services Centre should be made by writing via the iCatt Information Request form under Lessons, Examinations and Final Examination - Final Examination.

For a subsequent graduation session, a new application for admission to the final examination must be submitted with a €16 revenue stamp and a receipt of payment of the Undergraduate Contribution.

Graduating students will receive the convocation exclusively via their iCatt personal page approximately 10 days before the scheduled graduation date (Online Secretariat - Final Examination section).


Proclamation session: 26 July 2024
Thesis topic presentation: 12 January 2024
Submission of graduation application: 6 June 2024
Delivery of paper (in electronic format): 16 July 2024

The following criteria are applied for the calculation of the final degree mark:


All the marks of the profit examinations are added together multiplied by the number of ECTS credits of each examination (excluding 'Theology' examinations). A grade of 30 cum laude is counted as 31.

Supernumerary courses only count towards the average for students who have enrolled in the first year since the academic year. 2013/14; for students who matriculated earlier, supernumerary examinations do not count towards the graduation average.

The sum is divided by the total weight in ECTS credits of the subjects considered (average in thirtieths).

The average in thirtieths thus obtained is converted into 110ths by multiplying the value obtained by 11 and dividing it by 3.



FINAL TEST MARK 0 to 8 points






1 point if the average mark is >= 27;
0.5 points if the average mark is <= 26 and >= 24;

For students enrolled since the a.y. 2019/20

(at the discretion of the Degree Committee):


1.5 point if the average mark is 30 CUM LAUDE;

1 point if the average mark is: 30 to 29;

0.5 points if the average mark is 28 to 26;

0 points if the average mark is 25 to 18.

The Theology seminar course will also count towards the average.



Students who matriculated before the a.y. 2013/14 can go to the Student Services Centre to check how the graduation average is calculated

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