Useful information

Scholarships offered by external bodies and organisations

Universal Civil Service offers young people the opportunity to dedicate a year to solidarity, cooperation, and development projects in international situations. This can be undertaken by taking an active part in a local initiative in Ilula, Tanzania, in collaboration with IOP Italia (Ilula Orphan Programme).  


Target Applicants

The programme is open to those aged between 18 and 28 who wish to undertake an international volunteering experience and are eager to learn about new cultures and are ready to offer their skills for the benefit of the host community.


  • Aged between 18 and 28 
  • Able to adapt to local situations and able to work in a team
  • Interest in social issues and community development
  • Basic level of English

All details can be found on the dedicated page via the following link: Servizio Civile Universale - IOP Italia.

How to apply

Applicants are required to attend a an infosession organised by IOP Italia, when details of the programme and how to apply will be provided. 

The next information session will be held online on Saturday 1 February 2025, from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. Email to register. 

Applicants can only submit one application for the programme exclusively through the DOL platform at accessible via PC, tablet, or smartphone. 

Applications must be submitted by 2:00 PM on 18 February 2025.

IMPORTANT Please be aware that you will need to be SPID registered in order to submit an application.

Instructions for completing and submitting an online application on the DOL platform is available on the following sites: e

Allowance and volunteering terms and conditions

The start dates for volunteers vary by project since various factors are taken into account: completion of selection procedures, compiling and checking rankings, and specific project needs. Dates are published on the website of the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service. Projects will start in all cases by 23 September 2025. 

Projects last 12 months, with a service schedule of 25 hours per week spread over five days a week. Volunteers receive a monthly allowance of €507.30 plus a daily allowance of €13.00 for the actual days spent at the project site abroad. 

Volunteers are not expected to pay for food, accommodation, or the round-trip journey to the project site. In addition, insurance cover for risks related to undertaking service is provided.

The UBI Banco di Brescia Foundation is offering 10 scholarships of €2,500 for students enrolled in the 2022-23 academic year on a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Brescia campus who take part in one of the following international mobility programmes promoted by Cattolica International:

  • Summer programmes
  • Customised Internships (Summer)
  • International Volunteer programmes

Application deadline: 7 March 2023

The programme

The CRUI-MAE Internship Programme is a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (through the Diplomatic Institute) and Italian universities, with the support of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI) as organisational manager.

The MAECI-MUR-CRUI call for applications specifies an offer of 14 curricular placements at 6 Italian schools abroad, in the cities of Athens, Barcelona, Istanbul, Madrid, Paris and Zurich.

Information about the programme

Application deadline: 6 May 2024 (17.00) 
Dates of the placement: 18 September 2024 - 18 December 2024

For questions about the programme, write to:

Applications are open to students on Master’s Degree and Single-Cycle Degree programmes of ALL degree categories, although for each offer there are some degree categories that are preferential and for which extra points will be assigned during selection.  


Language prerequisites

Before applying, check what prerequisites are set out in the application call.

A minimum B2 English language level is specified by MUR (the Ministry of Universities and Research) as a prerequisite.

Università Cattolica specifies the following students as eligible for application.

  1. Those with the following language certification certifying a minimum level of B2:
  2. Those who have passed the BUSINESS ENGLISH or ADVANCED ENGLISH Università Cattolica exam.
  3. Those who have taken the internal Internaional Office English test for an international programme application. The test must have been taken no earlier than April 2022 with a result of B2.1 or above.
  4. Those who are officially enrolled on a Master’s Degree programme delivered entirely in English.

English language documentation must be sent to



Cattolica International - MILANO
Tel: 02 7234 5252

Cattolica International - BRESCIA
Tel: 030 2406 250

Cattolica International - PIACENZA
Tel: 0523 599 107

Cattolica International - ROMA
Tel: +39 06 3015 5819

The 2023 Vinci Programme applications are open until 10 February 2023 at 12.00.

Read here the call for application


The aim of the Vinci Programme is to support the integration of the French and Italian university teaching systems, in line with the objective of harmonising university education in Europe, and consists of 3 chapters outlining different objectives: 

  1. Chapter I: Funding for joint or double second-level degrees (Master’s Degree Programme/Master programme);
  2. Chapter II: Mobility grants for co-tutored doctoral theses;
  3. Chapter III: Three-year grants for co-tutored doctoral programmes


The programme published on this page is not designed or managed directly by Cattolica International. Cattolica International simply publicises the Università Italo Francese’s initiative and has no control over the content and application process. 

The involvement of Cattolica International is limited to publicising this opportunity. Cattolica International does not assume responsibility or provide any guarantee for this external content, the sole responsibility for which lies with the Università Italo Francese.

Find out about the 2025-26 Fulbright scholarships for Italian citizens. Scholarships are offered for study, research and teaching projects at top US universities.



The programme published on this page is not designed or managed directly by Cattolica International. Cattolica International simply publicises the Fulbright Commission’s initiative and has no control over the content and application process. 

The involvement of Cattolica International is limited to publicising this opportunity. Cattolica International does not assume responsibility or provide any guarantee for this external content, the sole responsibility for which lies with the Fulbright Commission.

To facilitate academic and scientific mobility to Germany, the DAAD offers a wide range of short and long term study and research grants for students, graduands, graduates, PhD students, researchers and professors.


Also on Facebook and Instagram.

The programme published on this page is not designed or managed directly by Cattolica International. Cattolica International simply publicises the DAAD’s initiative and has no control over the content and application process. 

The involvement of Cattolica International is limited to publicising this opportunity. Cattolica International does not assume responsibility or provide any guarantee for this external content, the sole responsibility for which lies with the DAAD.

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