IPBS Double Degree Programme

IPBS Double Degree Programme

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Application open on February 13, 2025 and open on March 10, 2025


Students enrolled in the Master of Science in Global Business Management can take part in a graduate level Double Degree Programme through a partnership with the IPBS Network and obtain two degrees:

  • The Master of Science in Global Business Management awarded by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
  • Either an MSc in Global Management and Digital Competencies awarded by ESB–Reutlingen or an MSc in Global Management (Digital Disruption) awarded by Dublin City University (DCU).

Study plans will be integrated into a study programme coordinated by IPBS. Selected students will spend their first semester of their second year at Università Cattolica and follow the study programme as planned within the Graduate Degree Programme in “Global Business Management.” They will however be enrolled during their second semester at one of the two partner institutions and will follow the respective study programmes as determined by ESB or DCU.

Apply now

Follow the instructions regarding your application to the IPBS Network which will be emailed to you after the payment of the application fee and the deadline of March 10. 

Infosession: February 13 at 9.30 am, room DELTA (Piacenza Campus)

Applications are open to all students enrolled in the first year of the Master of Science in Global Business Management at Piacenza Campus who are properly matriculated at Università Cattolica at the moment of enrolment on the double degree programme and during the time spent abroad.


The programme selection phase and procedures regarding the validation of application documentation will be managed by the IPBS network (International Partnership of Business Schools).

The final decision regarding the student’s acceptance into the programme will be made by the receiving institution (DCU or ESB).

Students have to pass all the exams of the first year of the Master of Science in Global Business Management before departure, together with the following modules or exams of the second year:

  • Advanced International Business (Mergers and Acquisitions)
  • Intercultural Marketing - Module I: International Marketing & Customer Experience Management
  • Global challenges and impacts
  • International Human Resource Management


DCU requires a minimum average grade of 24/30 for the following group of exams:

  • Managerial Economics - Module II: Advanced Economic Scenario Analysis
  • Sustainability Management
  • Strategy and International business - Module I: Corporate Strategy
  • Advanced International Business (Mergers and Acquisitions)
  • Intercultural Marketing - Module I: International Marketing & Customer Experience Management
  • Global challenges and impacts

ESB requires a minimum Bachelor’s Degree grade of 24/30 (2.5 German grading scale). In addition, to be eligible, all candidates will have had to complete a total of 6 months (need not be consecutive months) of work experience prior to departure for their semester abroad. This can be in the form of internships, work experience post graduation from the bachelor degree, part-time job, ecc. Students can combine different work experiences for a total of 6 months. No work experiences prior to the beginning of the Bachelor Degree will be considered.  


ESB – starting in February/March 2026

Conversion based on Università Cattolica
Graduate Degree Study Plan

International Finance and Risk Manangement

Financial Markets and institutions

Statistics for Business

Business Analytics

Leadership in a Digitalized World

Business Ethics

Smart Operations Management

Supply Chain Management

Consulting Skills for Digital transformation

Intercultural Marketing

Module II: Sociology and Consumer Behavior

Data Analytics & Visualisation

Data Science and Management



DCU – starting in January 2026

Conversion based on Università Cattolica
Graduate Degree Study Plan

International Corporate Finance

Financial Markets and Institutions

Consulting Skills

Business Ethics

Data Analytics & Story Telling

Business Analytics

Project Management

Supply Chain Management

Statistics for Business

Data Science and Management

Design Thinking & Creativity for Innovation

Intercultural Marketing
Module II: Sociology of Consumer Behavior




As evidence of fluency, applicants must achieve either:

  • a minimum TOEFL result of 88 ibt with a minimum of 21 in Speaking and Writing (Toefl Home Edition is also accepted), or
  • a minimum IELTS of 6.5 overall band score, with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the components, or
  • Pearson Test of English (Academic – 60 overall, minimum 50 in any component) or,
  • Cambridge First Exam with a minimum score of 175 or,
  • Cambridge Advanced or,
  • Cambridge Proficiency

Only tests that are maximum two years old at the time of application can be recognized.

Applicants are exempt from doing one of the above stated English language tests if they have completed their entire studies in English or completed at least 50% of their bachelor programme in an English-speaking country. Proof must be provided.

Please note that TOEFL is offering a Home Edition test which could be an acceptable option for your application. Please visit their website for additional information.

Please kindly note that your language certificates can be handed in later (if not yet available). In this case, your acceptance to the programme is conditional on the fulfillment of our minimum requirements.

Please note that students applying to ESB need to submit all documents (incl. language certificates) except their final degree transcript by the closing date of 15th June. For DCU, students have until end of July to submit their language certificates.

Students participating in the programme will write their Final Thesis with a DCU / ESB supervisor. Students will present their final Thesis at DCU / ESB. However, they will have to follow the Cattolica procedure to register for a Cattolica official Graduation day (i.e. in terms of steps, deadlines and fees).

All costs pertaining to the stay abroad will be borne by the student (travel, meals and accommodation, health insurance coverage and any visa fees) together with the tuition and university fees of €7.375 and a non-refundable application fee of €50 at the host institution, which is a set Double Degree programme tuition fee for all destinations.

In case of admission to the programme, the total amount of the tuition fees will be reduced from €7,375 to €7,325.

Students involved in the programme will benefit from the standard Erasmus Exchange scholarships for the period they spend abroad.

Students will get information about the procedure to follow in order to apply for the Erasmus+ scholarship. The following documents could be requested:

  • ISEE Universitario
  • Receipts of payment (e.g. accommodation, transports, flights, ecc.)
  • Online Learning Agreement, duly filled in with courses attended
  • Statement Period of Study, duly filled in (instructions will be provided)

All students selected for the programme will keep their enrolment at Cattolica during their semester abroad and will therefore have to maintain regular enrolment status by respecting all deadlines regarding payment of their tuition and university fees, submission of their study plan and graduation application, etc.

Scholarships will be confirmed during the month of July 2025.

Selected students will benefit from the health insurance provided by AXA in collaboration with Cattolica. In addition, the “Student Safety Package” will be activated, and the students will be able to download the Safety Check Students app for the geolocation and instant communications in case of emergency. More information about the activation procedure will be provided to the selected students.


For practical information regarding the application process:
Cattolica International
Via Emilia Parmense, 84 - Piacenza
Tel. +39 0523 599 436
Tel. +39 0372 499 162

For academic information regarding the programme:
Professor Emanuele Vendramini (@:
Professor Luca Bagnato (@:

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