Laurea magistrale in Scienze linguistiche - curriculum in Lingue per la traduzione specialistica ed editoriale

Saarbrücken - Universität des Saarlandes

Saarbrücken - Universität des Saarlandes

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Starting from academic year 2024/25, Università Cattolica offers students of the Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures on the Master’s Degree Programme in Linguistic Sciences - curriculum Lingue per la traduzione specialistica ed editoriale -  the opportunity to gain a double degree qualification at the end of their studies, as follows:

  • Master’s Degree in Linguistic Sciences (LM38) – Curriculum Lingue per la traduzione specialistica ed editoriale, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Brescia campus
  • Masterstudiengang Translation Science and Technology, Universität des Saarlandes

Students will be spending the first year in Italy, at Università Cattolica’s Brescia campus; at the end of the September’s exams session, they will move in Germany, at Saarbrücken campus to spend the second year of studies.

Departures are scheduled for the beginning of October 2025 for the academic year 2025/26. 

The offer is reserved for a maximum of three students enrolled in the Master’s Degree Programme in Linguistic Sciences – curriculum Lingue per la traduzione specialistica ed editoriale – who chose German and English as study languages (language A and language B). The deadline to apply is 31 March 2025.

To apply for the programme you must complete the application, upload a motivation letter in German and pay the application fee (€ 35, non-refundable).

Applications are open until 31 March 2025.

Apply here

Applicants will be called for an interview that will take place in the first half of July 2025. The selection process will be carried out by the academic coordinators (professor Lucia Mor and professor Alessandra Lombardi) on the basis of the following criteria:

  • 20% undergraduate degree grade
  • 20% motivation letter in both German and English language
  • 30% number of credits and grade point average of any grades earned in the first year of the Master’s Degree programme
  • 30% motivational interview during which proficiency in German and in English will be checked (level required: C1 for both); any language certification must be provided and will be evaluated during the interview.

A provisional merit ranking will be drawn up which will include exams and credits registered in student records by mid-July 2025.
Definitive admission to the programme is subject to earning, by the end of September 2025, 58 credits, or passing all exams required in the first year of your study plan.

In line with the current agreements between the two universities, earning the double degree does not involve additional costs over and above the normal university fees at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

However, participating students will be responsible for their travel, insurance, food and accommodation expenses and for the Deutschlandticket (Six-month public transport pass, valid throughout Germany, priced at approximately 180€ per semester).

Students selected for the programme will be provided with information as to whether EU funds for an Erasmus+ contribution are available.

In order to earn a Master’s Degree in Masterstudiengang Translation Science and Technology, students must complete their study programme within two years. 

Students participating in the programme will prepare their Final Thesis during the period of their exchange, under the supervision of an Università Cattolica’s professor.

The Final Thesis will be written either in German or Italian and will be discussed at Università Cattolica in line with standards and evaluation criteria in use.

First year (at Università Cattolica): 58 ECTS
Strategie comunicative della lingua inglese (12 ECTS)
Strategie comunicative della lingua tedesca (12 ECTS)
Letteratura inglese (8 ECTS)
Letteratura tedesca (8 ECTS)
Risorse e strumenti per la traduzione con modulo di Tecnologie per la traduzione (12 ECTS)
Pratiche di scrittura per la traduzione (6 ECTS)
Second year (at Universität des Saarlandes): 38 ECTS
Mündliche Fachkommunikation
Mündliche Fachkommunikation Englisch Ü WS (2 ECTS)
Mündliche Fachkommunikation Italienisch Ü WS (2 ECTS)
Fachkommunikation & Wissensmanagement III
Fachkommunikation & Wissensmanagement III (B I) EN-DE Z (2 ECTS)
Fachkommunikation & Textredaktion (B I) DE-EN Ü (4 ECTS)
Fachkommunikation & Textredaktion (B II) DE-IT Ü WS (2 ECTS)
Translation Technologies
Translation Technologies VL (4 ECTS) 
Translation Technologies Ü (4 ECTS) 
Projektarbeit (B II) Ü (6 ECTS)
Text- & Web-Technology Ü (2 ECTS)
Übersetzen und Medialität
Übersetzen und Medialität (B I) EN-DE Z SoSe (6 ECTS)
Übersetzen multimedialer Texte  (B I) DE-EN SoSe (2 ECTS)
Übersetzen multimedialer Texte (B II) IT-DE Ü (SoSe 2 ECTS)
Final thesis (at Università Cattolica): 24 ECTS


In compliance with Università Cattolica regulations, students who take part in the Double Degree programme are required to take the Theology exams in their study plan.

All participating students will be covered by an insurance policy taken out by the University with Axa.

In addition to this, a "Student Safety Package" will be activated. This package allows for the download of a "Student Safety Check" app which provides for geolocation and immediate communication in an emergency. Further information about how to activate the package will be provided to students selected for the programme.

Università Cattolica will not be able to guarantee the departure of participating students if the international situation or the situation in the destination country does not allow for the period of mobility to be undertaken in safety.

Cattolica International - Via Trieste, 17 (BS)
Tel. 030 2406250

Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures
Professor Lucia Mor (@:
Professor Alessandra Lombardi (@:

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