Starting from academic year 2024/25, Università Cattolica offers students of the Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures on the Master’s Degree Programme in Linguistic Sciences - curriculum Lingue per la traduzione specialistica ed editoriale - the opportunity to gain a double degree qualification at the end of their studies, as follows:
- Master’s Degree in Linguistic Sciences (LM38) – Curriculum Lingue per la traduzione specialistica ed editoriale, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Brescia campus
- Masterstudiengang Translation Science and Technology, Universität des Saarlandes
Students will be spending the first year in Italy, at Università Cattolica’s Brescia campus; at the end of the September’s exams session, they will move in Germany, at Saarbrücken campus to spend the second year of studies.
Departures are scheduled for the beginning of October 2025 for the academic year 2025/26.