Dear newly enrolled students, welcome!

Agriculture, food and environmental sciences

Piacenza and Cremona

Letter from Rector Professor Elena Beccalli to students

I would like to offer you a warm welcome to the large family of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. An Athenaeum that has trusted in young people for over a century. Father Gemelli, our founder, always repeated this with conviction in his speeches. I would like to recall this passage he spoke at the inauguration of the academic year of 1951/52: "I am convinced, and this is the school policy I follow, that young people should be trusted, helped, followed, understood".

A trust, therefore, that commits us to providing you with a university experience that will accompany you into the future, contributing to your professional, cultural and personal development. This is why our educational offer, characterised by a high quality also in an international projection, has as its objective “to educate to a long and integral view”. Study paths that are characterised not only by the solidity of the content, but also by their innovativeness, so as to take into account the continuous social changes and the world of work. At the same time, they assign particular importance to interdisciplinary hybridisation. All this with the priority of caring for each freshman and enhancing his or her experience in beautiful, welcoming, functional and technologically advanced spaces.

Every day, in your training path, all of us teachers are called upon to transfer to each and every one of you technical skills, cutting edge themes and method, in the wake of a century-old tradition that is attentive to enhancing ethical aspects, developing critical thinking and caring for the relational dimension. But also, and above all, we are strongly oriented towards fostering an integral training of individuals in order to make the most of your talents. Attention to the person, the alliance between generations, the desire for innovation based on our roots are the fundamental components of an identity that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore intends to preserve and renew.

A distinctive feature of our understanding of the educating community lies in the contribution that each component offers to the life of the University, walking together. I therefore invite freshmen to get involved in university activities, also for the benefit of others, by making themselves available as tutors, representatives on bodies, members of peer and review committees, and student associations. My invitation is to undertake this journey with ever increasing and passionate participation, taking advantage of the many opportunities that Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore offers - from internships to international and volunteer experiences - to enrich personal and cultural growth. Here, in fact, one comes first and foremost to study, but also to come face to face with reality, to forge lasting bonds, to imagine something that does not yet exist and of which, at the same time, one perceives the urgency and importance.

To make my closeness with all of you even stronger, I intend to provide a space to receive and meet regularly with those of you who wish to have a moment of dialogue and confrontation, thus nurturing a relationship that is able to grasp and interpret your needs and proposals. A first tool for getting to know and appreciate your chosen University and Faculty is this guide, which brings together all the main information. The course programmes, together with many other news and communications on the University's initiatives, can instead be consulted on the website

I wish each and every student that their university journey will be full of enthusiasm and rich in satisfaction, urging all of you not to stop in the face of the commitment and effort required for the coming goals. Be proud to be part of this great family that is Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore!

I would like to wish each and every student that their university career will be full of enthusiasm and rich in satisfaction, urging all of you not to stop in the face of the commitment and effort required for the coming goals.

Thanking you for choosing Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, be proud to be part of this great family.

Elena Beccalli

Your first appointments

In the upcoming academic year 2024/25, the teaching activities of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (lectures, exams, both oral and written, final examinations) will take place on campus.
The Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences has planned that the lectures
•    of the undergraduate degree programmes will not be recorded
•    of graduate degree programmes will be recorded and available for 14 days.

La VPI (Verifica della Preparazione Iniziale) è una prova obbligatoria per tutti gli immatricolati al 1° anno dei corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale a ciclo unico. Si svolge online ed è finalizzata ad accertare il possesso delle conoscenze di base per poter frequentare con profitto il corso di studi che hai scelto.
Puoi visualizzare la data della tua VPI nella sezione di iCatt “Segreteria online” – “Appuntamenti” ed eventualmente modificarla, fino a 8 giorni prima dalla data inizialmente prevista.
Riceverai la convocazione e le informazioni operative sullo svolgimento via mail al tuo indirizzo
Se risulti assente alla prova o non la superi, ti verranno assegnati automaticamente dei corsi aggiuntivi denominati OFA (Obblighi formativi aggiuntivi) che dovrai necessariamente assolvere entro il 1°anno di corso per non dover ripetere l'anno nel caso di prosecuzione degli studi.

Gli Organi accademici stabiliscono il contenuto della VPI e definiscono gli OFA per ciascun corso di laurea.

Potrai visualizzare gli eventuali OFA che ti sono stati assegnati nella sezione “Corsi” della tua pagina iCatt e, qui sotto, i calendari degli OFA organizzati per i corsi della Facoltà.

Il servizio di tutorato

Individua il tuo Tutor di gruppo
in base a: corso di laurea, profilo o gruppo di lettera del tuo cognome

In questa sezioni trovi tutte le informazioni utili per costruire il tuo orario delle lezioni e conoscere le modalità di accesso all’Ateneo.

Calendari accademici
Nel calendario accademico sono indicati i giorni di lezione, le sessioni di esame e i periodi di vacanza
Calendari accademici Scienze agrarie, alimentari e ambientali

Orari delle lezioni
Inserisci il nome del tuo corso di laurea, troverai tutti gli insegnamenti ad esso associati e potrai visualizzare orario e luogo delle lezioni.
Vai agli orari di Piacenza

Vai agli orari di Cremona

Guide di Facoltà
Nella Guida di Facoltà trovi le informazioni dettagliate riguardanti il piano studi, gli insegnamenti obbligatori e a scelta, le eventuali propedeuticità e l’elenco dei docenti assegnati ai singoli corsi.
Vai alle guide

Useful informations

As a UniCatt student you have 3 fundamental tools at your disposal, to be used from matriculation to the conclusion of your studies: iCatt Personal Page, Mail and iCatt App.

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