Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere - Brescia
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Scienze politiche e sociali - Milano
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Close Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Find your tutor Group mentoring for students Political and Social Sciences Milan Dott. Enrico BIANCHI - Sociologia Ricevimento Giovedì 10:30-13:00 postazione 1 Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano - Ufficio Tutorato Telefono 02 7234 8541 (disponibile solo durante l'orario di ricevimento) E-mail enrico.bianchi1@unicatt.it Dott. Nicolo' CAVALLO - International Relations and Global Affairs (IRGA) Office hours Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. workstation number 3 - Tutoring office Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milan Phone number 02.7234.8543 only available during office hours E-mail nicolo.cavallo@unicatt.it.
Polo studenti Servizi e campus life Stage e lavoro Esperienze
Scienze della formazione - Brescia
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Close Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Find your tutor Group mentoring for students Education Brescia Dott.
Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere - Milano
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Lettere e filosofia - Milano
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Close Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Find your tutor Group mentoring for students Arts and Philosophy Milan Dott. Riccardo MORABITO - Scienze dei beni culturali Ricevimento AVVISO: assenza venerdì 4 e martedì 8 ottobre Martedì 11:00 - 12:30 postazione 4 Venerdì 10:30 - 11:30 postazione 4 Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano - Ufficio Tutorato Telefono 02 7234 8544 (disponibile solo durante l'orario di ricevimento) E-mail riccardo.morabito@unicatt.it.
Economics - Milano
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Giurisprudenza - Milano
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Economia e Giurisprudenza - Piacenza e Cremona
Contatto telefonico: 0523 599.342 a cui ciascun tutor risponderà solo nell’orario di ricevimento indicato a Cremona in Via Bissolati, 74.
Find your tutor
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Close Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Services and campus life Group mentoring for students. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Find your tutor The group tutoring service Become a Tutor Find your tutor.
Medicina e chirurgia - Roma
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Group mentoring for students on integrated and undergraduate degree programmes
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Close Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Services and campus life.
Psicologia - Brescia
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Scienze della formazione - Piacenza
Altri orari di ricevimento a distanza possono essere concordati con il tutor, previo appuntamento via mail. Per partecipare alle iniziative e ai seminari informativi è necessario iscriversi inviando una e-mail a beatrice.delgrosso@unicatt.it.
Psicologia - Milano
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Economia - Roma
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Scienze della formazione - Milano
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Scienze bancarie, finanziarie e assicurative - Milano
Luca ANTONIOLI - profilo FINANCE Office Hours Thursday 12 september from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Tutoring office, first Cloister groundfloor workstation 5 Friday 20 september from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Tutoring office, first Cloister groundfloor workstation 5 Phone 02 7234 8545 Email luca.antonioli@unicatt.it.
Scienze politiche e sociali - Brescia
Omar Mazzucchelli - Corso di laurea in Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali Facoltà Scienze politiche e sociali Corso Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali Email: omar.mazzucchelli-tutor@unicatt.it Ricevimento: giovedì 16.30-17.30 Via Trieste 17, 2° piano ala est AVVISO: i ricevimento di giovedì 24 marzo è sospeso.
Lettere e filosofia - Brescia
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Scienze agrarie, alimentari e ambientali - Piacenza e Cremona
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Student services centre
Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International
Contacts Ask for information in your iCatt page Disability and Dyslexia Services Office Are you a student with disabilities and SLD? Meet us in the 5 campuses Group mentoring for students Do you need to meet your tutor? Find your tutor Stage &; Placement Do you want to start an internship or are you looking for a job?
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Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Close Student services centre Services and campus life Career service International experiences Contattaci Il modulo è stato inviato correttamente.
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