Procedures and final examination

Medicine and Surgery

Undergraduate Programmes

Students intending to graduate must:

  1. choose a topic, checking the requirements
  2. submit the application for admission to the final examination, verifying the curricular/temporal requirements
  3. deliver the final dissertation in the prescribed manner

In order to obtain approval of the topic and the subsequent authorisation to submit an application for graduation, it is necessary to complete the relevant online section on iCatt

In order to be admitted to the final examination, undergraduate students must comply with the following requirements:

  • submission of the dissertation project to the supervisor;
  • submission of the dissertation title on the iCatt dedicated page;
  • assignment of the dissertation by the supervisor;
  • approval of the dissertation by the supervisor;
  • submission of the application for admission to the final examination;
  • Please refer to the Faculty Guide for further details on the final examination.

In order to be able to submit an application for admission to the final examination, the deadlines set out below must be met:

For degree programmes in the Health Professions:
Academic Year 2021-2022 - Autumn Call:
Degree Programme Submission of final dissertation title Submission of application for graduation
Health Professions - October 2022 Call 30 april 2022 6 september2022
Health Professions - November 2022 Call 30 april 2022 6 october 2022
Academic Year 2021-2022 - Extraordinary Call
Degree Programme Submission of final dissertation title Submission of application for graduation
Health Professions - March 2023 Call  30 September 2022  6 February 2023
Health Professions - April 2023 Call  30 September 2022  6 March 2023
For degree programmes in Cosmetic Science and Technology and Health Biotechnology
Academic Year 2021-2022 - Summer Call
Corso di laurea Submission of final dissertation title Submission of application for graduation
Cosmetic Science and Technology  31 January 2022 6 June 2022
Health Biotechnology 31 January 2022 6 June 2022
Academic Year 2021-2022 - Autumn Call
Degree Programme Submission of final dissertation title Submission of application for graduation
Cosmetic Science and Technology  31 April 2022 6 September 2022
Health Biotechnology 31 April 2022 6 September 2022
Academic Year 2021-2022 - Extraordinary Call
Degree Programme Submission of final dissertation title Submission of application for graduation
Cosmetic Science and Technology  30 September 2022 6 February 2023
Health Biotechnology 30 September 2022 6 February 2023

The .pdf file of the dissertation must be sent to the professor via the iCatt personal page. In addition, two typewritten, book-bound copies of the dissertation must be handed in to the supervisor and co-supervisor by the deadline and in accordance with the Faculty's instructions; the dissertation must be uploaded to the iCatt personal page no later than 7 days before the start date of the proclamation sessions (see the iCatt dedicated message with the deadlines).

Prior to obtaining the degree, the student must deliver the following to the Student Services Centre:

  • university booklet
  • badge
  • TPV booklet (only for the degree programme in Medicine and Surgery)

deliver to the specific secretariat of the degree programme or to the Director of Internship Activities

  • keys to the locker assigned for the internship (if in possession)

Graduating students who, for whatever reason, are unable to graduate in the session for which they have applied are obliged to promptly inform the dissertation supervisor and the Student Services Centre, via the Request for Information function of iCatt, and are obliged to cancel their Application for graduation on iCatt and submit a new one for the following session.

Graduating students will receive the convocation via iCatt personal messaging [Link to iCatt] once the schedule of the graduation session has been defined. Any changes will be communicated through the same channel.

The criteria for determining the final grade are defined by matriculation cohort. Each enrolled student may refer to the faculty guide of their course of study relevant to their cohort

Undergraduate degree programmes graduation sessions calls

For the degree programmes in Cosmetic Science and Technology and Health Biotechnology, three graduation calls are scheduled each year according to the academic calendar

Academic year 2021-2022


Degree Programme

Summer Call*

Autumn Call* Extraordinary Call*
Cosmetic Science and Technology 19 July 2022 20 October 2022 To be defined*

*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee. Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student

Undergraduate degree programmes graduation sessions calls

For the Health Professions degree programmes, two graduation calls are scheduled each year according to the Academic calendar


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) To be defined* To be defined*
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) 22 november 2022 To be defined*

*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) 15 / 16 November 2022 To be defined*
Casa di Cura Villa Immacolata - San Martino al Cimino (Viterbo) To be defined* To be defined*
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo (Potenza) To be defined* To be defined*
Gemelli Molise (Campobasso) To be defined* To be defined*

*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) 8 November 2022 4 April 2023
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) To be defined* To be defined*

*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) 06-07 October 2022 To be defined*
Azienda ospedaliera San Filippo (Roma) To be defined* To be defined*
Istituto Suore della Misericordia (Roma) 24 November 2022 To be defined*
Istituto Figlie di San Camillo - Scuola Padre Luigi Tezza (Roma) 25 November 2022 6 April 2023
Gemelli Molise (Campobasso) To be defined* To be defined*
Fondazione Poliambulanza Istituto Ospedaliero (Brescia) 4/5/6 October 2022 To be defined*
Ospedale Cottolengo "Piccola Casa della Divina Provvidenza" (Torino) 17-18 November 2022 To be defined*
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo (Potenza) 22 novembre 2022 To be defined*
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo  - Sede Villa d’Agri (Potenza) 14 november 2022 To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) To be defined* To be defined*
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo (Potenza) To be defined* To be defined*
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) To be defined* To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) To be defined* da definire*

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student

*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) 29 November 2022 To be defined*
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo (Potenza) 9 November 2022 19 April 2023
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) 29-30 november2022 To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) To be defined* To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo (Potenza) To be defined* To be defined*
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) 11 November 2022 20 March 2023


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) 27 October 2022 6 April 2023
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo (Potenza) 28 November 2022 To be defined*
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) 11 November 2022 To be defined*

*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) 28 November 2022 To be defined*
Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo (Potenza) To be defined* To be defined*
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) To be defined* To be defined*
A.S.P. Basilicata (Moliterno – PZ) To be defined* To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) To be defined* To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) To be defined* To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS (Roma) To be defined* To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student


Autumn Call *

Extraordinary Call *
Centro di Recupero e Rieducazione funzionale "Mons. Luigi Novarese" (Moncrivello - VC) To be defined* To be defined*
Scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità (Bolzano) 18 November2022 To be defined*


*Dates of graduation will be announced as soon as they have been defined by the Graduation Committee.

Graduation schedules with details of the days are communicated in iCatt to each graduating student

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