Tuition and University fees

University fees and contributions are deductible to the extent indicated in the following 

Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research no. 1406 of 23 December 2022

With regard to the 2022 tax year, students are invited to check the amount of deductible amounts in relation to what is indicated in the aforementioned decree, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, General Series (Serie Generale) no. 37 of 14-2-2023.

We also remind you that the deduction is due to the person who has actually incurred the charge.

Receipts of payments are - for all legal purposes - discharge receipts and may be used as legal documents in tax returns. The receipts to be used are those of payments made during the tax year of the income to be declared, even if they relate to separate academic years.

The University electronically communicates to the Revenue Agency the data related to university expenses incurred, using traceable payment methods, for attending university courses.
University expenses are reported net of the related reimbursements and contributions, while reimbursements paid during the tax year, but related to expenses incurred in previous tax years, are indicated separately.

Copies of the payment receipts, if required for the annual income tax declaration, must be kept.
To obtain a document certifying the amount paid during the relevant fiscal year, it is possible to:
• Download the self-certification of the amount of taxes and contributions paid for each calendar year, available in your personal iCatt page.
• Request a certificate with a digital signature through the iCatt function "Online Secretariat - Online Certificate Request," available in your personal iCatt page.


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