Position in rankings
QS University Ranking: #77
This destination is managed via TEAN - The Education Abroad Network.
Academic offering
Students can choose from the courses listed in the academic offering, as long as they can satisfy the specific academic prerequisites.
Language and academic requirements
- Check what IELTS scores are required
- Minimum avarage mark required: 24/30
- Housing (on campus): $7.550 – $8.350 (the cost includes 16-21 meals per week)
Cost of the programme
The costs listed below are subject to change since they are only updated to the current academic year. Costs should be checked on the TEAN website:
- Tuition fee: $16.600
- Programme fee: €500 (non-refundable)
All Università Cattolica students will be covered by an insurance policy taken out by the University in collaboration with Axa. However, this policy is not always considered to be sufficient cover by the destination universities, who may require their own insurance package to be taken out.