Sri Lanka


HQ Volunteering

Option 1 

  • 3 weeks: 14 July - 3 Agosto
  • 4 weeks: 14 July - 10 Agosto


Option 2

  • 3 weeks: 28 July - 17 Agosto
  • 4 weeks: 28 July - 24 Agosto


Option 3 

  • 3 weeks: 11 Agosto - 31 Agosto
  • 4 weeks: 11 Agosto - 7 Settembre

The projects take place in Kandy, a historic city located in the heart of Sri Lanka, surrounded by green hills and picturesque landscapes. It is one of the country's major tourist and cultural destinations, thanks to its significant cultural and historical heritage, marked by the presence of important temples and the Esala Perahera festival, one of the largest Buddhist festivals in Asia. During this festival, traditional processions and dances take place.

Volunteers in Kandy are accommodated in a volunteer house. Bedrooms have bunk beds and you can expect to share a room with four to nine other volunteers.

The volunteer house has a safe member staying in the house at night and there is an 8:00pm curfew on weeknights and 12:00pm on weekends at the volunteer accommodation.

WiFi is not available in the volunteer accommodation.

Included are 3 meals per day on weekdays and 2 meals per day during the weekends.

The costs vary depending on the duration of the volunteer project.

  • Application fee: €35 (non-refundable) - required during the program application phase.
  • Deposit fee: €200 - required after the close of applications to confirm the intention to proceed with the enrollment.
  • Programme fee (requested directly from HQ after eligibility confirmation):
    • 3 weeks: $ 1,150  
    • 4 weeks: $ 1,300

The Wildlife Conservation - Sea Turtle Protection project has an additional cost of $350 for 3 weeks and $500 for 4 weeks.

Costs may vary slightly during the payment phase.

For destinations in partnership with HQ, 30 scholarships of € 300 each are available.


Provide assistance in understaffed and under-resourced childcare centers around Kandy, helping with lessons, playtime and general tasks wherever your help is needed.

Help to restore local temples, schools and pre-schools to their former beauty by painting and cleaning them. 

Progetti dedicati a persone bisognose, in collaborazione con diversi centri sia per adulti che per bambini. Le attività includono progetti educativi e di socializzazione. 

Help to teach English to those who can’t afford to pay for private language classes. Assist in a range of settings, including in monasteries, pre-schools and village homes.

Assist local Sri Lankan women from difficult backgrounds to overcome gender inequality issues and help women develop life skills in a safe place.

Assist on government-backed turtle conservation projects aiming to help boost local turtle populations. Help with feeding and cleaning turtles, protecting and maintaining hatcheries and promoting recycling in local communities.

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