Cattolica International offers Cattolica students English language courses to prepare for Academic IELTS international certification.
The aim of the course is to prepare students so that they can achieve the best result they can in their IELTS exam. Students will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of English and develop the specific skills needed to take the exam: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
Students with this certification can apply for international programmes. The language level demonstrated by the IELTS level will improve your score in the ranking. Language requirements may vary so you must be sure to check the specific requirement for each programme.
Be aware that at the moment of application for an international programme promoted by Cattolica International you will be asked to submit the result of the certification obtained.
The courses are delivered both online and in person and are directed towards students from all campuses.
- The IELTS exam fees are NOT included with the fee for this preparation course.
- It is your own responsibility to register for the IELTS exam and pay the relevant fee.
Since there is a limited number of test places, Cattolica International advises all students to register for the exam on their selected date as soon as possible to be sure to secure a place. You must also take into account when each organisation/institution requires an IELTS result.
Students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery are invited to fill a pre-registration form to show their interest.