Available COILs

Faculty of Linguistic sciences and Foreign literatures

Brescia campus

The aim of the project is to explore the change in the international order in the post-Cold War era, allowing all participants to investigate how the democratic institutions of the 21st century in the United States and Italy (and other NATO countries) are affected by it. Our 'big question' will be to what extent and in what ways the 21st-century shift in the international order is influencing the future of democracy.


Partner University: California State University (San Marcos, USA)
Assigned Professor:  Professor Alessandro Quarenghi (alessandro.quarenghi@unicatt.it)
Faculty: Students of the second year of the Bachelor degree in Scienze Linguistiche – curriculum Esperto linguistico per le Relazioni Internazionali (Brescia campus)
Dates: 24 February 2025 – 10 May 2025
Maximum number of participants: 30
Application deadline: 10 March 2025

Relazioni Internazionali (4 of 8 credits as international activities).

Students will find in their study plan the course Relazioni internazionali (8 CFU) divided in two parts of 4 CFU each. To have the 4 CFU recognized as international acrivity, follow the instructions for compiling the Programme Plan that you find in the Portal after your enrollment.



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Partner University: DePaul University (Chicago, USA)
Assigned Academic Staff/Professor:  Professor Sonia Piotti (sonia.piotti@unicatt.it)
Coordinator of activities for UC students: Dr. Alina Ramera (alina.ramera@unicatt.it)
Faculty: Aimed at 1st year students on the Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences (Brescia Campus)
Dates: Winter: 13 January - 28 February 2025
Spring: 7 April - 23 May 2025
Maximum number of students: 10 for each session
Application period: Winter: No places available 
Spring: Application are open until 3 April 2025
Credits: 4 credit points out of 12 Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions for compiling the Programme Plan that you find in the Portal after your enrollment.



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The Transalpine Italian-German Tandem COIL programme consists of virtual exchange activities between students of Italian as a foreign language at Universität Heidelberg (Germany) and students of German as a foreign language at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Brescia Campus). The programme takes place in synchronous mode, via Teams.

Participants undertake direct interaction with their German mother-tongue tandem partners and will be able to take advantage of all the opportunities arising from peer-to-peer communication in a digital and multimedia context to improve their oral and written language skills and share experiences and knowledge related to the German language, culture and society.


Partner University: Universität Heidelberg (Germania)
Assigned Professor: Professor Alessandra Lombardi (alessandra.lombardi@unicatt.it)
Coordinator of activities for UC students: Dr. Claudia Menzel (claudia.menzel@unicatt.it) and Dr. Hanna Carvalho Schnell (hanna.carvalhoschnell-collaboratore@unicatt.it
Faculty:  Undergraduate and graduate students in Scienze Linguistiche (Brescia campus).
Dates: 11 November 2024 – 21 January 2025
Maximum number of participants: 20
Application deadline: 7 November 2024
Credits:  2 credit pointsout of 12 Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions for compiling the Programme Plan that you find in the Portal after your enrollment.


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The English for Internationalisation Purposes (EIP) COIL programme (Collaborative Online International Learning) gives you the opportunity to practice and improve your English skills via communication scenarios that would be typical of the international professional and academic world. It also aims at developing important transversal skills, e.g., teamwork, negotiation, decision making and time management, as well as increasing awareness to sensitive issues in multicultural environments. 

Partner University:
  • Consorzio IN2IT (Sapir Academic College) - Israel
  • University of Opole - Poland
  • Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo - Israel
  • Tel-Hai Academic College - Israel
  • FATEC Sao Paulo State Technological College – Brasil
Assigned Professor:  Professor Sonia Piotti (sonia.piotti@unicatt.it)
Coordinator of activities for UC students: Dr. Costanza Peverati (costanza.peverati@unicatt.it
Faculty: aimed at 2nd year students on the Bachelor's degree in Linguistic sciences (Brescia campus) 
Period: Fall: 11 November 2024 – 31 December 2024
Spring: TBD
Maximum number of participants: 25 for each session
Application deadline: Fall: 7 November 2024
Spring: TBD
Credits: 4 credit points out of 12 Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions for compiling the Programme Plan that you find in the Portal after your enrollment.


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Partner University: Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Assigned Professor:  Professor Maurizia Calusio (maurizia.calusio@unicatt.it)
Coordinator of activities for UC students:

Dr. Elena Freda Piredda (elena.fredapiredda@unicatt.it)

Dr. Nataliya Stoyanova (nataliya.stoyanova@unicatt.it)

Target students:

Aimed at students on the following programmes and study years:

  • Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences
  • Master’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences
Dates: 24 February - 2 May 2025
Maximum number of participants: 30
Application deadline: 20 February 2025
Credits: 2 credit points out of 12 Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions to be found on the  portal after application.

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Milan campus

Students participating in this exchange will be required to collaborate with a partner or small group to accomplish a task related to the healthcare system in their country:

The task is aligned with one or more of the UN SDGs: sustainable cities and communities/decent work/economic growth/ good health and well-being. Together, the students will collaborate on a project to compare/contrast their respective cities and to propose sustainable, or more equitable alternatives.

In order to complete this task, students will examine their respective contexts as well as the context of their partner/group.  When possible, American students will be required to write and speak in Italian, Italian students in English.


Partner University: St. John’s University (New York, USA)
Assigned Professor:  Professor Jane Christopher (jane.christopher1@unicatt.it
Coordinator of activities for UC students: Dr. Paul Prostitis (paul.prostitis@unicatt.it)
Target students:

Aimed at students on the following programmes and study years:

  • 1st year Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences (Milan campus)
  • 1st year Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations (Milan campus)
Dates: TBA
Maximum number of participants: 28
Application deadline: TBA
Credits: 4 credit points for elective Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions to be found on the  portal after application.


The project invites students to consider tourism in their respective countries from the perspective of sustainability, and to design a tourist itinerary respecting specific aspects of sustainability as illustrated in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Partner University: Amsterdam School of International Business (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Assigned Professor:  Professor Jane Christopher (jane.christopher1@unicatt.it
Coordinator of activities for UC students: Dr. Catherine Bell (catherine.bell@unicatt.it)
Target students:

Aimed at students on the following programmes and study years:

  • 1st year Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences (Milan campus)
  • 1st year Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations (Milan campus)
Dates: TBA
Maximum number of participants: 28
Application deadline: TBA
Credits: 4 credit points for elective Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions to be found on the  portal after application.


The COIL Online Digital Collaboration Project for English is an international project coordinated by the Amsterdam School of International Business and is designed to help you improve your English language proficiency. Participants speak with students of other nationalities in a virtual collaborative learning environment so that they can build intercultural awareness and acquire language skills to be able to communicate successfully about interesting business topics.  

You will collaborate with colleagues in Amsterdam at virtual meetings to undertake a project linked to the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 UN Agenda. You will be writing a business report of 1,500 words and designing a poster using different media to set out a plan which could be used to address, and possibly achieve, one of the five goals in the agenda. Your hypothetical client is a non-governmental organisation which could put your project into action in an industrialised or developing country. Each member of the group will use the skills acquired during their studies to contribute creatively to the research work, draw up the business report and create the poster.


Partner University: Amsterdam School of International Business (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Assigned Professor:  Professor Jane Christopher (jane.christopher1@unicatt.it
Coordinator of activities for UC students: Dr. Lucia Arnò (lucia.arno@unicatt.it)

Aimed at students on the following programmes and study years::

  • 3rd year Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences (Milan campus)
  • 3rd year Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations (Milan campus)
  • 1st year Master's Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences (Milan campus)
Dates: TBA
Maximum number of participants: 30
Application deadline:


Credits 4 credit points for elective Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions to be found on the  portal after application.


Partner University: Nottingham Trent University
Assigned Professor:  Professor Mariateresa Zanola (mariateresa.zanola@unicatt.it)
Coordinator of activities for UC students: Dott.ssa Klara Dankova (klara.dankova@unicatt.it)
Target students:

Aimed at students on the following programmes and study years:

  • Master’s Degree programme in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Master's Degree in Linguistic sciences, course in  Terminologie e traduzione specialistica (Milan campus)
  • Master's Degree in Linguistic sciences, course in Terminological resources (Milan campus)
Dates: 19 November – 10 December 2024
Maximum number of participants: 30
Application deadline: 7 November 2024
Credits: 2 credit points for elective Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions to be found on the  portal after application.


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Partner University: Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Assigned Professor:  Professor Maurizia Calusio (maurizia.calusio@unicatt.it)
Coordinator of activities for UC students:

Dr. Elena Freda Piredda (elena.fredapiredda@unicatt.it)

Dr. Nataliya Stoyanova (nataliya.stoyanova@unicatt.it)

Target students:

Aimed at students on the following programmes and study years:

  • Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences
  • Bachelor’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations   
  • Master’s Degree programme in Linguistic Sciences
  • Master’s Degree programme in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Culture
Dates: 24 February – 2 May 2025
Maximum number of participants: 30
Application deadline: 20 February 2025
Credits: 2 credit points for elective Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions to be found on the  portal after application.

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Language to Language (L2L) is a COIL international project designed for UC students to improve their knowledge of English and for Irish students to improve their knowledge of Italian language and culture.


Partner University: Technological University Dublin and Dublin City University (Dublin, Ireland)
Assigend Professor:  Professor Valentina Morgana (valentina.morgana@unicatt.it)

Aimed at:

  • 2nd year students on the Languages for business profile of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Linguistic Sciences (Milan campus)
  • 2nd year students on the Bachelor’s degree programme in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations (Milan campus)
Dates: 24 February - 4 April 2025
Maximum number of students: 6
Application period: 20 February 2025
Credits: 2 credit points for elective Other Academic Activities (there will be no grade out of 30), to be included in your study plan as ‘international activity’. To apply for credits to be approved for your study plan, follow the instructions for filling in the Programme Plan that you find in the Portal after your enrollment.


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