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Those wishing to have the support of the Disability and Dyslexia Services Office must be in possession of at least one of the following valid documents.
Documents issues by the Italian State:
report of civil invalidity pursuant to article 20 of Law No. 102 of 3 August 2009;
report of assessment of disability pursuant to Law No. 104 of 5 February 1992;
certification of a Specific Learning Disorder (DSA) showing at least one of the disorders described by Law 170/2010 - dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, dyscalculia - and the appropriate nosographic codes. As provided for by Law No. 170 of 2010 (art. 3) and by the subsequent State-Regions Agreement of 24/7/2012, the diagnosis must be updated after 3 years if made by the student when he or she is younger; it is not compulsory to update it if made after the student turned 18.
Non-italian documents
medical certification attesting a disability;
medical certification attesting a temporary disability (e.g. broken arm).
Exceptionally, at the sole discretion of the Assessment Committee, other documents attesting the state of health of a candidate/student may be examined. The DDS’ technical-administrative office reserves the right to request additional documentation also in order to better guarantee personalised support.
Students with an international qualification or those enrolled at another institution (exchange/study abroad student) will first need to contact the International Office of Università Cattolica and provide information describing the disability or other Learning Disorder.
Depending on the different legislations in other countries with respect to disability and learning disorders (DSA), the DDS’ administrative office reserves the rights to request any additional documentation to better guarantee personalised support. The valid documentation attesting the disability or learning difficulty that is submitted must be issued by the State where the student is resident and provided with a notorised or certified translation by the Italian diplomatic representation conform to the original text, either in Italian or in English.
Report of assessment of disability/civil invalidity pursuant to Law No. 102 of 3 August 2009 and Law No. 104 of 5 February 1992:
The assigned General Practioner for residents in Italy (and enrolled in the national insurance system – ASL) will complete a first certificate of assessment and will submit it to the competent authority. Further instructions will be provided regarding the next steps.
Certification of a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)
La diagnosi deve essere rilasciata da specialisti della propria ASL di appartenenza (Servizio di Neuropsichiatria Infantile o Unità Operativa di Neuropsichiatria Infantile o di Neuropsicologia), oppure da specialisti che svolgono privatamente la libera professione. Si segnala che la normativa può variare da Regionale a Regione.
The diagnosis must be made by a specialist provided by the local ASL where the student is resident (Child Neuropsychiatry Service, Operative Unit of Child Neuropsychiatry, or Neuropsychology), or by a private specialist. Regulations may vary depending on the region.
The following services are reserved for students with disabilities DS. These services are not applicable to non-degree students attending Università Cattolica (example: exchange students).
Disabled students with a certified disability equal to or greater than 66% (report of civil invalidity pursuant to article 20 of Law No. 102 of 3 August 2009) and students with recognised disabilities pursuant to article 3, paragraph 1 or 3 of Law No. 104 of 5 February 1992 are entitled to a total exemption from tuition and university fees (a payment of €100.00 is due at the time of enrolment and every following year of enrolment). To be eligible for the exemption, applicants must upload their certification in the dedicated section of the Enrolment Portal during their enrolment. The dues for enrolment should be adjusted to the amount of 100€. Should there be any problem or if you need assistance contact the DDS’ administrative office at the relevant campus. For additional information regarding financial support for students with disabilities please consult the “General regulations for the calculation of tuition and university fees.”
For years following the first, when the first instalment of tuition and university fees is paid, enrolment is renewed after the 4-5 working days required to verify payment. It is therefore advisable to avoid paying close to the deadlines. The PagoPA payment slip is available on your personal iCatt page from mid-July (Online Registrar - contributions and subsidies section). For further information, please follow this link.
For students eligible for exemption of tuition and university fees, there is a special contribution regime for graduation requirements. For clarification and support at this stage or to request special certificates, please contact the DDS’ administrative office on your campus.
Available benefits are described in the table below with references to the types of disabilities and beneficiaries and the correlated documentation that needs to be submitted to the DDS Office.
Documentation required |
Beneficiary: Degree-seeking student (International) |
Beneficiary: International exchange/study abroad student |
Law No. 102 of 3 August 2009
If disability >66%: exemption of tuition and university fees (see section Grants and subsidies)
Access support and accompaniment
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Access support and accompaniment |
Law No. 104 of 5 February 1992 Art.3 comma 1 o 3 |
Exemption of tuition and university fees (see section Grants and subsidies)
Access support and accompaniment
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Access support and accompaniment
Medical certification attesting a disability
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Access support and accompaniment
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Access support and accompaniment
Medical certification attesting a temporary disability (e.g. broken arm);
pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Access support and accompaniment
pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Access support and accompaniment
Certification of a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
Pedagogy consulting and teaching/learning mediation
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